MINOVA delivers a Design Coaching service for designers, and all creative-people, improving their careers, business as well as Personal Performance Coaching for everyone who are ready for positive change in their lives. MINOVA also aims to welcome individuals and groups, who would like to be coached to shift their life towards a more sustainable, ecological, and socially responsible approach.
Miné Ovacık has been supervising, advising, mentoring, and guiding creative people, design students, and graduates for 20+ years at various universities. On top of her experience, she added Personal Performance coaching skills by taking the PP Coaching Diploma Program by The Coaching Academy in London.
Miné has been creating her coaching business model as a niche by combining together the methods and tools of PP Coaching and the Design / Creative Thinking.
Please contact her for Introductory Session to Coaching.
Please check the Events for Coaching Sessions to explore more about Miné's creative coaching sessions.
Please read Testimonials to see what Miné's clients gained from coaching sessions, and their experiences.